Pagan Sunrise

This picture was taken on May Day 2021. By late spring, the sun rises far enough north that it can be included in this composition along with two of the largest sarsen stones in Avebury and an ash tree. Frost, though not uncommon in Wiltshire in early May, gave a slightly surreal feel to the scene. Mist attenuated the sun sufficiently to enable six bracketed exposures to capture detail in both he highlights and the shadows without flare. Although I went intending to photograph the landscape, the presence of a pagan celebrating this auspicious day of the year added interest and conveyed the occasion, adding to the story-telling value of the picture. I was fortunate that he kindly agreed to model for me.

F/11, HDR: 1/8000s, 1/4000s, 1/1000s, 1/250s, 1/60s and 1/15s, ISO 100
Accepted: Midland 2021


Frosty Sunrise, The Cove, Avebury


Avebury in Winter