Osprey seizing trout, Aviemore, Cairngorms

Wildlife for all Seasons

Exciting wildlife photographs do not require overseas travel! Featuring owls, kingfishers, puffins, hares, otters, seals and deer, this talk shows how, when and where to make striking images of iconic British species in the wild.

Each talk comprises approximately 150 high definition images and comfortably fills a two hour programme (inclusive of a 20 minute break midway).
I bring my own high definition digital projector. All my talks focus on showing great images as well as explaining the thinking and planning that went into them.
The fee per talk is £120, plus travel charged from Avebury at 45p/mile. All my presentations are also available by video link using Zoom, at the same fee with no travel cost.
To book please contact me.


What People Are Saying

"Thank you once again for an amazing evening showing us your showing us your wildlife images. I know you have inspired my natural history group by their comments last night ... Its good to have all the camera setting on your images and the helpful comments as well."

Chris Couch, Programme Secretary, Maidstone Camera Club

"Thank you for giving us such of feast of wildlife photography last night. Our members enjoyed your excellent and varied images with a well-informed commentary. Your enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject shone through."

Rose King, President, Newark & District Photographic Society

"Thanks very much for your talk to us .... you could probably tell from the silent moments that the audience were in the palm of your hand. Excellent talk, just as we expected from you. One of the highlights of what's been a good season for us. I particularly liked the way you explained how you planned your photo outings, with the right lens and other equipment, and get down low to the subject - a lesson for all of us ... The garden setups were fascinating - and I expect that some of us will try out some of your inventions."

Geoff Chalcraft, Programme Secretary, Steyning Camera Club

"Thank you for the amazing presentation last night. Truly enjoyed by all members that joined the meeting. Some members left some comments / feedback that I would like to share with you.
'I thoroughly enjoyed Robert's talk tonight. As Clare said, a diverse set of excellent wildlife images all superbly supported by an interesting narrative.'
'Absolutely brilliant images and an excellent presentation. Really enjoyed it. Loved the owls and insects.'
'Excellent stuff!'
'Robert Harvey … great talk and images. Good Choice … Zoom is fantastic for getting to know work of far distance photographers.' "

Ana Taylor, Syllabus Secretary, Livingston Camera Club