Photographing the Beauty of birds

The charismatic birds of cold oceans, tropical forests, wetlands and dry savannas are an inspiration to photographers. Ranging from penguins to hummingbirds, this talk demonstrates creative techniques for capturing the lives of birds.

Each talk comprises approximately 150 high definition images and comfortably fills a two hour programme (inclusive of a 20 minute break midway).
I bring my own high definition digital projector. All my talks focus on showing great images as well as explaining the thinking and planning that went into them.
The fee per talk is £120, plus travel charged from Avebury at 45p/mile. All my presentations are also available by video link using Zoom, at the same fee with no travel cost.
To book please contact me.


What People Are Saying

"Robert, I must thank you for sharing your wonderful images of such beautiful and interesting birds. I know that my wife and I found your presentation very informative especially with regard to taking images of birds in flight. I am sure that all of our members who were present had enjoyable and quite remarkable evening. Again, many thanks and best regards"

Richard Veitch, Programme Secretary, Horndean Camera Club