Turret arch framed by North Window

In the Desert

Deserts offer photographers exquisite light and patterns. Extraordinary landscapes of dunes, canyons, mesas, arches and hoodoos are explored, along with ancient temples, fortresses, wildlife and the flowering of the desert. The talk covers using reflected light, high contrast, low light and imaging the night sky.

Each talk comprises approximately 150 high definition images and comfortably fills a two hour programme (inclusive of a 20 minute break midway).
I bring my own high definition digital projector. All my talks focus on showing great images as well as explaining the thinking and planning that went into them.
The fee per talk is £120, plus travel charged from Avebury at 45p/mile. All my presentations are also available by video link using Zoom, at the same fee with no travel cost.
To book please contact me.


What People Are Saying

"On behalf of all of us at WPC, thank you very much for your splendid presentation last night. You showed us some truly amazing images of the natural world, by day and by night. Many of us had been to some of the deserts, but your images revealed these landscapes in (literally) a different light."

Keith McEwan, Programme Secretary, Walllingford Photographic Society

"I was congratulated for booking you and another member said it was the best talk we'd had! There were a lot of images there that will stay in my mind over time and it is always welcome when a speaker tells us some of the technical details ... Thank you once again for a perfectly timed, excellently presented evening."

Sue Watts, Programme Secretary, Chichester Camera Club