I planned this image of Housesteads Crags on a fine July evening and decided it needed a crisp, frosty morning before sunrise to make the lighting and colours work harmoniously. Setting out along Hadrian's Wall in early November as soon as it was light enough to see, I soon found myself enveloped in thick mist. Fortunately as I reached my chosen location, the mist parted to reveal exactly the scene I had in my mind's eye. The composition uses the wall as foreground, gently lit by the brightening sky in the south-east, leading the eye through the image over the impressive crags towards a misty horizon. I like the way that a perfectly positioned cloud illuminated by the as yet unrisen sun picks up the colour of the bracken and balances the image.

F/22, 6 seconds, ISO 100.
Accepted: Tourism Nicosia (Cyprus) 2014


Wistman's Wood


Conistone Limestone Pavement