Kynance Cove, its sandy beach flanked by dramatic serpentine cliffs, is known as one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Cornwall. I scheduled my visit for a day when low tide occurred just before sunset, which enabled me to reach a small west-facing section of beach. Having first checked that I would be able to escape through a cave if the beach became cut off by the rising tide, I selected a shooting position framed by cliffs and a foreground rock exposure. As the tide rose, waves ran up the beach to wet my feet, The best colour came about 15 minutes before sunset, as the sun was about to emerge from cloud into a patch of clear sky on the western horizon. A neutral density filter enabled me to make a three second exposure, capturing the movement of water as a wave receded to form leading lines drawing the eye through my image.

F/22, 3.2 seconds, ISO 160
Accepted: Hoylake 2016, Midland 2016, Cheltenham 2016, Olympic (Greece) 2016 - Zeus and Hermes


Wembury Point


St Michael's Mount