britain’s best landscapes and how to photograph them

Drawing on my recently published book of the same title, I start by asking how much of landscape photography is the result of planning and what is down to luck? I will show how photographic vision can be realised by innovative composition, effective use of colour, the most suitable light, season and weather, and by capturing a moment or telling a story. In the second half I suggest how to develop a personal style, using my experience as an environmental scientist to show how understanding water, Sun, Moon and tides characterise my photography.

Each talk comprises approximately 150 high definition images and comfortably fills a two hour programme (inclusive of a 20 minute break midway).
I bring my own high definition digital projector. All my talks focus on showing great images as well as explaining the thinking and planning that went into them.
The fee for this talk is £120, plus travel charged from Avebury at 45p/mile. All my presentations are also available by video link using Zoom, at the same fee with no travel cost.
To book please contact me.


What People Are Saying

"Your presentation last evening to members of the Association was filled with detailed information, and presented a range of images that made a story of your own journey in photography, fittingly concluded with ample and brilliant examples of your own style. Your skill in photography is matched by your fluency with words and an empathy with your audience, to which all responded very positively. Thank you very much for this and for sharing with us such a comprehensive gallery of British landscapes, as well as a full outline of approaches to achieving success in our own photography. I think members will have left with kindled enthusiasm and plenty of information to support their own work in landscape. You have indeed made your mark in the north of England and I hope we may be able to welcome you again in the future."

Francis Annett, Chair, North Yorkshire and South Durham Photographic Association

"On behalf of WCPF we would like to thank you so much for your excellent Talk yesterday. As you know it went extremely well and proved we made the right decision to delay the talk, so that we could have a large live audience to enjoy it."

Eddy Lane, Western Counties Photographic Federation

"I am an event photographer and have never taken a decent landscape photo in my life but I found your talk so interesting and inspiring that it's made me think I would like to have try . I can honestly say that it is one of the best talks I have been to and I was amazed by the quality of your photos and you were so generous with your advice. I was sitting at the back and I could see how people were enjoying the talk. Everyone was engrossed. Thank you again for a wonderful afternoon."

Helen Jones, president, Western Counties Photographic Federation