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Savernake Forest In Autumn Photography Tour


Photograph magnificent veteran trees, beech-lined avenues and a little-known tree tunnel at the peak of autumn colour with guiding and tuition in the field.

Savernake is an ancient hunting forest near the market town of Marlborough. Established in the 12th century, the Forest is privately owned by the Marquess of Ailesbury and has never been bought or sold. Although not well-known outside Wiltshire, the forest has one of the highest densities of veteran trees to be found anywhere in Europe. A magnificent beech-lined Grand Avenue runs two miles through the heart of the forest and is exceptional at the peak of autumn colour. The forest is also rich in fungi during autumn. One could wander for days and indeed weeks in the forest, still discovering new subjects to photograph. I will take you directly to the most rewarding locations and provide tuition on composition.

We will photograph around 10 veteran trees hidden deep in the forest along with Grand Avenue and a little-known tree tunnel on the northern fringe of the forest. Most of the day will be spent on foot, some of the time deep in the forest away from tracks and paths. The terrain is fairly easy to traverse but you will require hiking boots. We will be walking up to five miles during the day.

The workshop has been scheduled to coincide with the expected peak of autumn colour. A particular theme will be using telephoto lenses in woodland to isolate compositions, exclude sky, frame subjects and make subjects bigger in the frame; whilst ensuring sufficient depth of field.

Group Size: Maximum of 6 participants with one leader (Robert Harvey) or up to 8 participants with two leaders (Robert Harvey and David Eagle). Robert is the author of the Fotovue guide
Photographing Wiltshire and David has exceptional knowledge of Savernake Forest.

Recommended photographic equipment:

• Digital single lens reflex camera, mirrorless camera or equivalent
• Lenses ranging from wide angle (ideally 16mm on full frame) to short telephoto (200mm+). A fish-eye lens if you have one.
• Tripod (essential)
• Polarising filter
• Remote cable release
• Waterproof camera cover
• Warm and waterproof clothes
• Walking boots and/or wellington boots
• Packed lunch

Date: Sunday 17 November 2024

One day tour. Cost £150. Meet at 7am, depart 4.30pm.

Included: Guiding to most impressive trees and tree tunnel; photographic tuition.

Not included: Transport (drive own cars), food, drinks (bring packed lunch), accommodation (if required).

Being in a small group of like-minded people made the day very enjoyable. Having two expert leaders, and being able to split into even smaller sets, ensured we were not all trying to stand on the same spot at the same time and feeling rushed to get an image. The location is fabulous, and the timing of the tour was spot on for maximum autumn colours. Even though I’m local to the area, going off the beaten track meant that I saw trees that I hadn’t encountered before. Both leaders were very observant and approachable, offering advice on composition, camera settings etc where appropriate or asked for ...The day went perfectly from start to finish
— KW, Wiltshire
This is a brilliant location for woodland photography with so many interesting trees – and so few other people around to get in the way. Easy walking from point to point ... The small number in the group helped when all photographing the same subject – it was easy to get the prime spots with a little patience. The small number also helped ensure we were able to get the attention of the group leader if and when needed
— JM, Oxfordshire
Robert’s knowledge of the photographic opportunities in Savernake was exceptional. He knew when the light would be best for each subject and arranged the walk accordingly. I was particularly impressed his desire to give everyone a chance to take a pic from the most ideal spot and to hurry some people along. He was very good at telling us what to expect and when we would be stopping for lunch.
— PS, Surrey
It was well organised and the directions and instructions for the day were very clear. We saw a lot of areas of the Forest that I would not have seen otherwise. Robert knew the details so clearly and even to the exact minute the sun would be in the optimal place for ‘the shot’. Robert is clearly a very talented photographer and a font of knowledge about the Forest.
— JC, Hampshire
The small group with two leaders was great as it meant that help and advice was always available. The pre-planning to find interesting tree subjects was exemplary and the route through the forest, going “off piste”, was very enjoyable.
— CM, Hampshire
Even though we were fortunate with the weather conditions, the course planning showed how much thought had gone into getting the right time for the maximum Autumn colours to be visible. I liked the ‘walking tour’ approach and the care taken in plotting a route to cover all the tree subjects to be photographed. The variety chosen was amazing. Always good to have an expert on hand in the field. I always learn so much on your tour Robert.
— LM, Staffordshire
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Savernake Forest In Autumn Photography Tour

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